from unittest.mock import patch from app import crud from app.core.config import settings from apps.models import UserCreate from apps.tests.utils.utils import random_email, random_lower_string from sqlmodel import Session from fastapi.testclient import TestClient def test_get_users_superuser_me( client: TestClient, superuser_token_headers: dict[str, str] ) -> None: r = client.get(f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/me", headers=superuser_token_headers) current_user = r.json() assert current_user assert current_user["is_active"] is True assert current_user["is_superuser"] assert current_user["email"] == settings.FIRST_SUPERUSER def test_get_users_normal_user_me( client: TestClient, normal_user_token_headers: dict[str, str] ) -> None: r = client.get(f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/me", headers=normal_user_token_headers) current_user = r.json() assert current_user assert current_user["is_active"] is True assert current_user["is_superuser"] is False assert current_user["email"] == settings.EMAIL_TEST_USER def test_create_user_new_email( client: TestClient, superuser_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: with patch("app.utils.send_email", return_value=None), patch( "app.core.config.settings.SMTP_HOST", "" ), patch("app.core.config.settings.SMTP_USER", ""): username = random_email() password = random_lower_string() data = {"email": username, "password": password} r = f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/", headers=superuser_token_headers, json=data, ) assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300 created_user = r.json() user = crud.get_user_by_email(session=db, email=username) assert user assert == created_user["email"] def test_get_existing_user( client: TestClient, superuser_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: username = random_email() password = random_lower_string() user_in = UserCreate(email=username, password=password) user = crud.create_user(session=db, user_create=user_in) user_id = r = client.get( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/{user_id}", headers=superuser_token_headers, ) assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300 api_user = r.json() existing_user = crud.get_user_by_email(session=db, email=username) assert existing_user assert == api_user["email"] def test_get_existing_user_current_user(client: TestClient, db: Session) -> None: username = random_email() password = random_lower_string() user_in = UserCreate(email=username, password=password) user = crud.create_user(session=db, user_create=user_in) user_id = login_data = { "username": username, "password": password, } r ="{settings.API_V1_STR}/login/access-token", data=login_data) tokens = r.json() a_token = tokens["access_token"] headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {a_token}"} r = client.get( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/{user_id}", headers=headers, ) assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300 api_user = r.json() existing_user = crud.get_user_by_email(session=db, email=username) assert existing_user assert == api_user["email"] def test_get_existing_user_permissions_error( client: TestClient, normal_user_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: r = client.get( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/999999", headers=normal_user_token_headers, ) assert r.status_code == 403 assert r.json() == {"detail": "The user doesn't have enough privileges"} def test_create_user_existing_username( client: TestClient, superuser_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: username = random_email() # username = email password = random_lower_string() user_in = UserCreate(email=username, password=password) crud.create_user(session=db, user_create=user_in) data = {"email": username, "password": password} r = f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/", headers=superuser_token_headers, json=data, ) created_user = r.json() assert r.status_code == 400 assert "_id" not in created_user def test_create_user_by_normal_user( client: TestClient, normal_user_token_headers: dict[str, str] ) -> None: username = random_email() password = random_lower_string() data = {"email": username, "password": password} r = f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/", headers=normal_user_token_headers, json=data, ) assert r.status_code == 400 def test_retrieve_users( client: TestClient, superuser_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: username = random_email() password = random_lower_string() user_in = UserCreate(email=username, password=password) crud.create_user(session=db, user_create=user_in) username2 = random_email() password2 = random_lower_string() user_in2 = UserCreate(email=username2, password=password2) crud.create_user(session=db, user_create=user_in2) r = client.get(f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/", headers=superuser_token_headers) all_users = r.json() assert len(all_users["data"]) > 1 assert "count" in all_users for item in all_users["data"]: assert "email" in item def test_update_user_me( client: TestClient, normal_user_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: full_name = "Updated Name" email = random_email() data = {"full_name": full_name, "email": email} r = client.patch( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/me", headers=normal_user_token_headers, json=data, ) assert r.status_code == 200 updated_user = r.json() assert updated_user["email"] == email assert updated_user["full_name"] == full_name def test_update_password_me( client: TestClient, superuser_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: new_password = random_lower_string() data = { "current_password": settings.FIRST_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD, "new_password": new_password, } r = client.patch( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/me/password", headers=superuser_token_headers, json=data, ) assert r.status_code == 200 updated_user = r.json() assert updated_user["message"] == "Password updated successfully" # Revert to the old password to keep consistency in test old_data = { "current_password": new_password, "new_password": settings.FIRST_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD, } r = client.patch( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/me/password", headers=superuser_token_headers, json=old_data, ) assert r.status_code == 200 def test_update_password_me_incorrect_password( client: TestClient, superuser_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: new_password = random_lower_string() data = {"current_password": new_password, "new_password": new_password} r = client.patch( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/me/password", headers=superuser_token_headers, json=data, ) assert r.status_code == 400 updated_user = r.json() assert updated_user["detail"] == "Incorrect password" def test_update_user_me_email_exists( client: TestClient, normal_user_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: username = random_email() password = random_lower_string() user_in = UserCreate(email=username, password=password) user = crud.create_user(session=db, user_create=user_in) data = {"email":} r = client.patch( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/me", headers=normal_user_token_headers, json=data, ) assert r.status_code == 409 assert r.json()["detail"] == "User with this email already exists" def test_update_password_me_same_password_error( client: TestClient, superuser_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: data = { "current_password": settings.FIRST_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD, "new_password": settings.FIRST_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD, } r = client.patch( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/me/password", headers=superuser_token_headers, json=data, ) assert r.status_code == 400 updated_user = r.json() assert ( updated_user["detail"] == "New password cannot be the same as the current one" ) def test_create_user_open(client: TestClient) -> None: with patch("app.core.config.settings.USERS_OPEN_REGISTRATION", True): username = random_email() password = random_lower_string() full_name = random_lower_string() data = {"email": username, "password": password, "full_name": full_name} r = f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/open", json=data, ) assert r.status_code == 200 created_user = r.json() assert created_user["email"] == username assert created_user["full_name"] == full_name def test_create_user_open_forbidden_error(client: TestClient) -> None: with patch("app.core.config.settings.USERS_OPEN_REGISTRATION", False): username = random_email() password = random_lower_string() full_name = random_lower_string() data = {"email": username, "password": password, "full_name": full_name} r = f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/open", json=data, ) assert r.status_code == 403 assert ( r.json()["detail"] == "Open user registration is forbidden on this server" ) def test_create_user_open_already_exists_error(client: TestClient) -> None: with patch("app.core.config.settings.USERS_OPEN_REGISTRATION", True): password = random_lower_string() full_name = random_lower_string() data = { "email": settings.FIRST_SUPERUSER, "password": password, "full_name": full_name, } r = f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/open", json=data, ) assert r.status_code == 400 assert ( r.json()["detail"] == "The user with this email already exists in the system" ) def test_update_user( client: TestClient, superuser_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: username = random_email() password = random_lower_string() user_in = UserCreate(email=username, password=password) user = crud.create_user(session=db, user_create=user_in) data = {"full_name": "Updated_full_name"} r = client.patch( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/{}", headers=superuser_token_headers, json=data, ) assert r.status_code == 200 updated_user = r.json() assert updated_user["full_name"] == "Updated_full_name" def test_update_user_not_exists( client: TestClient, superuser_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: data = {"full_name": "Updated_full_name"} r = client.patch( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/99999999", headers=superuser_token_headers, json=data, ) assert r.status_code == 404 assert r.json()["detail"] == "The user with this id does not exist in the system" def test_update_user_email_exists( client: TestClient, superuser_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: username = random_email() password = random_lower_string() user_in = UserCreate(email=username, password=password) user = crud.create_user(session=db, user_create=user_in) username2 = random_email() password2 = random_lower_string() user_in2 = UserCreate(email=username2, password=password2) user2 = crud.create_user(session=db, user_create=user_in2) data = {"email":} r = client.patch( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/{}", headers=superuser_token_headers, json=data, ) assert r.status_code == 409 assert r.json()["detail"] == "User with this email already exists" def test_delete_user_super_user( client: TestClient, superuser_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: username = random_email() password = random_lower_string() user_in = UserCreate(email=username, password=password) user = crud.create_user(session=db, user_create=user_in) user_id = r = client.delete( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/{user_id}", headers=superuser_token_headers, ) assert r.status_code == 200 deleted_user = r.json() assert deleted_user["message"] == "User deleted successfully" def test_delete_user_current_user(client: TestClient, db: Session) -> None: username = random_email() password = random_lower_string() user_in = UserCreate(email=username, password=password) user = crud.create_user(session=db, user_create=user_in) user_id = login_data = { "username": username, "password": password, } r ="{settings.API_V1_STR}/login/access-token", data=login_data) tokens = r.json() a_token = tokens["access_token"] headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {a_token}"} r = client.delete( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/{user_id}", headers=headers, ) assert r.status_code == 200 deleted_user = r.json() assert deleted_user["message"] == "User deleted successfully" def test_delete_user_not_found( client: TestClient, superuser_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: r = client.delete( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/99999999", headers=superuser_token_headers, ) assert r.status_code == 404 assert r.json()["detail"] == "User not found" def test_delete_user_current_super_user_error( client: TestClient, superuser_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: super_user = crud.get_user_by_email(session=db, email=settings.FIRST_SUPERUSER) assert super_user user_id = r = client.delete( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/{user_id}", headers=superuser_token_headers, ) assert r.status_code == 403 assert r.json()["detail"] == "Super users are not allowed to delete themselves" def test_delete_user_without_privileges( client: TestClient, normal_user_token_headers: dict[str, str], db: Session ) -> None: username = random_email() password = random_lower_string() user_in = UserCreate(email=username, password=password) user = crud.create_user(session=db, user_create=user_in) r = client.delete( f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/users/{}", headers=normal_user_token_headers, ) assert r.status_code == 403 assert r.json()["detail"] == "The user doesn't have enough privileges"