import * as fs from "node:fs"; async function modifyOpenAPIFile(filePath) { try { const data = await fs.promises.readFile(filePath); const openapiContent = JSON.parse(data); const paths = openapiContent.paths; for (const pathKey of Object.keys(paths)) { const pathData = paths[pathKey]; for (const method of Object.keys(pathData)) { const operation = pathData[method]; if (operation.tags && operation.tags.length > 0) { const tag = operation.tags[0]; const operationId = operation.operationId; const toRemove = `${tag}-`; if (operationId.startsWith(toRemove)) { const newOperationId = operationId.substring(toRemove.length); operation.operationId = newOperationId; } } } } await fs.promises.writeFile( filePath, JSON.stringify(openapiContent, null, 2), ); console.log("File successfully modified"); } catch (err) { console.error("Error:", err); } } const filePath = "./openapi.json"; modifyOpenAPIFile(filePath);