
Open source projects and samples from Microsoft

Azure Data Studio 是一种数据管理和开发工具,可连接到常用的云和本地数据库。Azure Data Studio 支持 Windows、macOS 和 Linux,并能够立即连接到 Azure SQL 和 SQL Server。浏览扩展库以获取更多数据库支持选项,包括 MySQL、PostgreSQL 和 MongoDB

Updated 7 months ago

About Google's Material Design in XAML & WPF, for C# & VB.Net.

Updated 1 year ago

MaterialDesignInXaml sample

Updated 1 year ago

Sample code for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech SDK

Updated 1 year ago

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Bring macOS “Quick Look” feature to Windows

Updated 1 year ago

Windows XP keygen

Updated 1 year ago

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微软开源python gpt sdk,类似于openai sdk,快速在jupyternotebook等方式集成

Updated 1 year ago

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DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective.

Updated 1 year ago

Official repo for the paper: Visual ChatGPT: Talking, Drawing and Editing with Visual Foundation Models

Updated 1 year ago

Updated 1 year ago

Windows Calculator: A simple yet powerful calculator that ships with Windows

Updated 1 year ago

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Visual Studio Code

Updated 1 year ago
