ui.R 952 B

  1. # This is the user-interface definition of a Shiny web application.
  2. # You can find out more about building applications with Shiny here:
  3. #
  4. # http://shiny.rstudio.com
  5. #
  6. library(shiny)
  7. library(shinythemes)
  8. shinyUI(fluidPage(theme=shinytheme("cerulean"),
  9. # Application title
  10. titlePanel("shiny-demo数据分析"),
  11. # Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins
  12. sidebarLayout(
  13. sidebarPanel(
  14. sliderInput("bins",
  15. "Number of bins:",
  16. min = 1,
  17. max = 50,
  18. value = 30)
  19. ),
  20. # Show a plot of the generated distribution
  21. mainPanel(
  22. strong(h3("这是我的第一个app应用",style="color:violetred")),
  23. h4("如果想学习更多的shiny知识请访问我的博客:",
  24. span(a("请点击此处",href="http://blog.yoqi.me"))),
  25. br(),
  26. p("我们将利用鸢尾花数据集进行案例演示"),
  27. plotOutput("distPlot")
  28. )
  29. )
  30. ))