123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179 |
- from stylegan import G_synthesis,G_mapping
- from dataclasses import dataclass
- from SphericalOptimizer import SphericalOptimizer
- from pathlib import Path
- import numpy as np
- import time
- import torch
- from loss import LossBuilder
- from functools import partial
- from drive import open_url
- class PULSE(torch.nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, cache_dir, verbose=True):
- super(PULSE, self).__init__()
- self.synthesis = G_synthesis().cuda()
- self.verbose = verbose
- cache_dir = Path(cache_dir)
- cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok = True)
- if self.verbose: print("Loading Synthesis Network")
- with open_url("https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1TCViX1YpQyRsklTVYEJwdbmK91vklCo8", cache_dir=cache_dir, verbose=verbose) as f:
- self.synthesis.load_state_dict(torch.load(f))
- for param in self.synthesis.parameters():
- param.requires_grad = False
- self.lrelu = torch.nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2)
- if Path("gaussian_fit.pt").exists():
- self.gaussian_fit = torch.load("gaussian_fit.pt")
- else:
- if self.verbose: print("\tLoading Mapping Network")
- mapping = G_mapping().cuda()
- with open_url("https://drive.google.com/uc?id=14R6iHGf5iuVx3DMNsACAl7eBr7Vdpd0k", cache_dir=cache_dir, verbose=verbose) as f:
- mapping.load_state_dict(torch.load(f))
- if self.verbose: print("\tRunning Mapping Network")
- with torch.no_grad():
- torch.manual_seed(0)
- latent = torch.randn((1000000,512),dtype=torch.float32, device="cuda")
- latent_out = torch.nn.LeakyReLU(5)(mapping(latent))
- self.gaussian_fit = {"mean": latent_out.mean(0), "std": latent_out.std(0)}
- torch.save(self.gaussian_fit,"gaussian_fit.pt")
- if self.verbose: print("\tSaved \"gaussian_fit.pt\"")
- def forward(self, ref_im,
- seed,
- loss_str,
- eps,
- noise_type,
- num_trainable_noise_layers,
- tile_latent,
- bad_noise_layers,
- opt_name,
- learning_rate,
- steps,
- lr_schedule,
- save_intermediate,
- **kwargs):
- if seed:
- torch.manual_seed(seed)
- torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed)
- torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
- batch_size = ref_im.shape[0]
- # Generate latent tensor
- if(tile_latent):
- latent = torch.randn(
- (batch_size, 1, 512), dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=True, device='cuda')
- else:
- latent = torch.randn(
- (batch_size, 18, 512), dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=True, device='cuda')
- # Generate list of noise tensors
- noise = [] # stores all of the noise tensors
- noise_vars = [] # stores the noise tensors that we want to optimize on
- for i in range(18):
- # dimension of the ith noise tensor
- res = (batch_size, 1, 2**(i//2+2), 2**(i//2+2))
- if(noise_type == 'zero' or i in [int(layer) for layer in bad_noise_layers.split('.')]):
- new_noise = torch.zeros(res, dtype=torch.float, device='cuda')
- new_noise.requires_grad = False
- elif(noise_type == 'fixed'):
- new_noise = torch.randn(res, dtype=torch.float, device='cuda')
- new_noise.requires_grad = False
- elif (noise_type == 'trainable'):
- new_noise = torch.randn(res, dtype=torch.float, device='cuda')
- if (i < num_trainable_noise_layers):
- new_noise.requires_grad = True
- noise_vars.append(new_noise)
- else:
- new_noise.requires_grad = False
- else:
- raise Exception("unknown noise type")
- noise.append(new_noise)
- var_list = [latent]+noise_vars
- opt_dict = {
- 'sgd': torch.optim.SGD,
- 'adam': torch.optim.Adam,
- 'sgdm': partial(torch.optim.SGD, momentum=0.9),
- 'adamax': torch.optim.Adamax
- }
- opt_func = opt_dict[opt_name]
- opt = SphericalOptimizer(opt_func, var_list, lr=learning_rate)
- schedule_dict = {
- 'fixed': lambda x: 1,
- 'linear1cycle': lambda x: (9*(1-np.abs(x/steps-1/2)*2)+1)/10,
- 'linear1cycledrop': lambda x: (9*(1-np.abs(x/(0.9*steps)-1/2)*2)+1)/10 if x < 0.9*steps else 1/10 + (x-0.9*steps)/(0.1*steps)*(1/1000-1/10),
- }
- schedule_func = schedule_dict[lr_schedule]
- scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(opt.opt, schedule_func)
- loss_builder = LossBuilder(ref_im, loss_str, eps).cuda()
- min_loss = np.inf
- min_l2 = np.inf
- best_summary = ""
- start_t = time.time()
- gen_im = None
- if self.verbose: print("Optimizing")
- for j in range(steps):
- opt.opt.zero_grad()
- # Duplicate latent in case tile_latent = True
- if (tile_latent):
- latent_in = latent.expand(-1, 18, -1)
- else:
- latent_in = latent
- # Apply learned linear mapping to match latent distribution to that of the mapping network
- latent_in = self.lrelu(latent_in*self.gaussian_fit["std"] + self.gaussian_fit["mean"])
- # Normalize image to [0,1] instead of [-1,1]
- gen_im = (self.synthesis(latent_in, noise)+1)/2
- # Calculate Losses
- loss, loss_dict = loss_builder(latent_in, gen_im)
- loss_dict['TOTAL'] = loss
- # Save best summary for log
- if(loss < min_loss):
- min_loss = loss
- best_summary = f'BEST ({j+1}) | '+' | '.join(
- [f'{x}: {y:.4f}' for x, y in loss_dict.items()])
- best_im = gen_im.clone()
- loss_l2 = loss_dict['L2']
- if(loss_l2 < min_l2):
- min_l2 = loss_l2
- # Save intermediate HR and LR images
- if(save_intermediate):
- yield (best_im.cpu().detach().clamp(0, 1),loss_builder.D(best_im).cpu().detach().clamp(0, 1))
- loss.backward()
- opt.step()
- scheduler.step()
- total_t = time.time()-start_t
- current_info = f' | time: {total_t:.1f} | it/s: {(j+1)/total_t:.2f} | batchsize: {batch_size}'
- if self.verbose: print(best_summary+current_info)
- if(min_l2 <= eps):
- yield (gen_im.clone().cpu().detach().clamp(0, 1),loss_builder.D(best_im).cpu().detach().clamp(0, 1))
- else:
- print("Could not find a face that downscales correctly within epsilon")