* Info: http://mexitek.github.io/phpColors/ * License: http://arlo.mit-license.org/ */ class Color { private $_hex; private $_hsl; private $_rgb; /** * Auto darkens/lightens by 10% for sexily-subtle gradients. * Set this to FALSE to adjust automatic shade to be between given color * and black (for darken) or white (for lighten) */ const DEFAULT_ADJUST = 10; /** * Instantiates the class with a HEX value * @param string $hex * @throws Exception "Bad color format" */ function __construct( $hex ) { // Strip # sign is present $color = str_replace( '#', '', $hex ); // Make sure it's 6 digits if ( strlen( $color ) === 3 ) { $color = $color[0] . $color[0] . $color[1] . $color[1] . $color[2] . $color[2]; } elseif ( strlen( $color ) != 6 ) { throw new Exception( esc_html__( 'HEX color needs to be 6 or 3 digits long', 'pen' ) ); } $this->_hsl = self::hexToHsl( $color ); $this->_hex = $color; $this->_rgb = self::hexToRgb( $color ); } // ==================== // = Public Interface = // ==================== /** * Given a HEX string returns a HSL array equivalent. * @param string $color * @return array HSL associative array */ public static function hexToHsl( $color ) { // Sanity check $color = self::_checkHex( $color ); // Convert HEX to DEC $R = hexdec( $color[0] . $color[1] ); $G = hexdec( $color[2] . $color[3] ); $B = hexdec( $color[4] . $color[5] ); $HSL = array(); $var_R = ( $R / 255 ); $var_G = ( $G / 255 ); $var_B = ( $B / 255 ); $var_Min = min( $var_R, $var_G, $var_B ); $var_Max = max( $var_R, $var_G, $var_B ); $del_Max = $var_Max - $var_Min; $L = ( $var_Max + $var_Min ) / 2; if ( $del_Max == 0 ) { $H = 0; $S = 0; } else { if ( $L < 0.5 ) { $S = $del_Max / ( $var_Max + $var_Min ); } else { $S = $del_Max / ( 2 - $var_Max - $var_Min ); } $del_R = ( ( ( $var_Max - $var_R ) / 6 ) + ( $del_Max / 2 ) ) / $del_Max; $del_G = ( ( ( $var_Max - $var_G ) / 6 ) + ( $del_Max / 2 ) ) / $del_Max; $del_B = ( ( ( $var_Max - $var_B ) / 6 ) + ( $del_Max / 2 ) ) / $del_Max; if ( $var_R == $var_Max ) { $H = $del_B - $del_G; } elseif ( $var_G == $var_Max ) { $H = ( 1 / 3 ) + $del_R - $del_B; } elseif ( $var_B == $var_Max ) { $H = ( 2 / 3 ) + $del_G - $del_R; } if ( $H < 0 ) { $H++; } if ( $H > 1 ) { $H--; } } $HSL['H'] = ( $H * 360 ); $HSL['S'] = $S; $HSL['L'] = $L; return $HSL; } /** * Given a HSL associative array returns the equivalent HEX string * @param array $hsl * @return string HEX string * @throws Exception "Bad HSL Array" */ public static function hslToHex( $hsl = array() ) { // Make sure it's HSL if ( empty( $hsl ) || ! isset( $hsl['H'] ) || ! isset( $hsl['S'] ) || ! isset( $hsl['L'] ) ) { throw new Exception( esc_html__( 'Parameter was not an HSL array', 'pen' ) ); } list($H,$S,$L) = array( $hsl['H'] / 360, $hsl['S'], $hsl['L'] ); if ( $S == 0 ) { $r = $L * 255; $g = $L * 255; $b = $L * 255; } else { if ( $L < 0.5 ) { $var_2 = $L * ( 1 + $S ); } else { $var_2 = ( $L + $S ) - ( $S * $L ); } $var_1 = 2 * $L - $var_2; $r = round( 255 * self::_huetorgb( $var_1, $var_2, $H + ( 1 / 3 ) ) ); $g = round( 255 * self::_huetorgb( $var_1, $var_2, $H ) ); $b = round( 255 * self::_huetorgb( $var_1, $var_2, $H - ( 1 / 3 ) ) ); } // Convert to hex $r = dechex( $r ); $g = dechex( $g ); $b = dechex( $b ); // Make sure we get 2 digits for decimals $r = ( strlen( '' . $r ) === 1 ) ? '0' . $r : $r; $g = ( strlen( '' . $g ) === 1 ) ? '0' . $g : $g; $b = ( strlen( '' . $b ) === 1 ) ? '0' . $b : $b; return $r . $g . $b; } /** * Given a HEX string returns a RGB array equivalent. * @param string $color * @return array RGB associative array */ public static function hexToRgb( $color ) { // Sanity check $color = self::_checkHex( $color ); // Convert HEX to DEC $R = hexdec( $color[0] . $color[1] ); $G = hexdec( $color[2] . $color[3] ); $B = hexdec( $color[4] . $color[5] ); $RGB['R'] = $R; $RGB['G'] = $G; $RGB['B'] = $B; return $RGB; } /** * Given an RGB associative array returns the equivalent HEX string * @param array $rgb * @return string RGB string * @throws Exception "Bad RGB Array" */ public static function rgbToHex( $rgb = array() ) { // Make sure it's RGB if ( empty( $rgb ) || ! isset( $rgb['R'] ) || ! isset( $rgb['G'] ) || ! isset( $rgb['B'] ) ) { throw new Exception( esc_html__( 'Parameter was not an RGB array', 'pen' ) ); } // https://github.com/mexitek/phpColors/issues/25#issuecomment-88354815 // Convert RGB to HEX $hex[0] = str_pad( dechex( $rgb['R'] ), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); $hex[1] = str_pad( dechex( $rgb['G'] ), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); $hex[2] = str_pad( dechex( $rgb['B'] ), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); return implode( '', $hex ); } /** * Given a HEX value, returns a darker color. If no desired amount provided, then the color halfway between * given HEX and black will be returned. * @param int $amount * @return string Darker HEX value */ public function darken( $amount = self::DEFAULT_ADJUST ) { // Darken $darkerHSL = $this->_darken( $this->_hsl, $amount ); // Return as HEX return self::hslToHex( $darkerHSL ); } /** * Given a HEX value, returns a lighter color. If no desired amount provided, then the color halfway between * given HEX and white will be returned. * @param int $amount * @return string Lighter HEX value */ public function lighten( $amount = self::DEFAULT_ADJUST ) { // Lighten $lighterHSL = $this->_lighten( $this->_hsl, $amount ); // Return as HEX return self::hslToHex( $lighterHSL ); } /** * Given a HEX value, returns a mixed color. If no desired amount provided, then the color mixed by this ratio * @param string $hex2 Secondary HEX value to mix with * @param int $amount = -100..0..+100 * @return string mixed HEX value */ public function mix( $hex2, $amount = 0 ) { $rgb2 = self::hexToRgb( $hex2 ); $mixed = $this->_mix( $this->_rgb, $rgb2, $amount ); // Return as HEX return self::rgbToHex( $mixed ); } /** * Creates an array with two shades that can be used to make a gradient * @param int $amount Optional percentage amount you want your contrast color * @return array An array with a 'light' and 'dark' index */ public function makeGradient( $amount = self::DEFAULT_ADJUST ) { // Decide which color needs to be made if ( $this->isLight() ) { $lightColor = $this->_hex; $darkColor = $this->darken( $amount ); } else { $lightColor = $this->lighten( $amount ); $darkColor = $this->_hex; } // Return our gradient array return array( 'light' => $lightColor, 'dark' => $darkColor, ); } /** * Returns whether or not given color is considered "light" * @param string|Boolean $color * @param int $lighterThan * @return boolean */ public function isLight( $color = false, $lighterThan = 130 ) { // Get our color $color = ( $color ) ? $color : $this->_hex; // Calculate straight from rbg $r = hexdec( $color[0] . $color[1] ); $g = hexdec( $color[2] . $color[3] ); $b = hexdec( $color[4] . $color[5] ); return ( ( $r * 299 + $g * 587 + $b * 114 ) / 1000 > $lighterThan ); } /** * Returns whether or not a given color is considered "dark" * @param string|Boolean $color * @param int $darkerThan * @return boolean */ public function isDark( $color = false, $darkerThan = 130 ) { // Get our color $color = ( $color ) ? $color : $this->_hex; // Calculate straight from rbg $r = hexdec( $color[0] . $color[1] ); $g = hexdec( $color[2] . $color[3] ); $b = hexdec( $color[4] . $color[5] ); return ( ( $r * 299 + $g * 587 + $b * 114 ) / 1000 <= $darkerThan ); } /** * Returns the complimentary color * @return string Complementary hex color * */ public function complementary() { // Get our HSL $hsl = $this->_hsl; // Adjust Hue 180 degrees $hsl['H'] += ( $hsl['H'] > 180 ) ? -180 : 180; // Return the new value in HEX return self::hslToHex( $hsl ); } /** * Returns your color's HSL array */ public function getHsl() { return $this->_hsl; } /** * Returns your original color */ public function getHex() { return $this->_hex; } /** * Returns your color's RGB array */ public function getRgb() { return $this->_rgb; } /** * Returns the cross browser CSS3 gradient * @param int $amount Optional: percentage amount to light/darken the gradient * @param boolean $vintageBrowsers Optional: include vendor prefixes for browsers that almost died out already * @param string $prefix Optional: prefix for every lines * @param string $suffix Optional: suffix for every lines * @link http://caniuse.com/css-gradients Resource for the browser support * @return string CSS3 gradient for chrome, safari, firefox, opera and IE10 */ public function getCssGradient( $amount = self::DEFAULT_ADJUST, $vintageBrowsers = false, $suffix = '', $prefix = '' ) { // Get the recommended gradient $g = $this->makeGradient( $amount ); $css = ''; /* fallback/image non-cover color */ $css .= "{$prefix}background-color: #" . $this->_hex . ";{$suffix}"; /* IE Browsers */ $css .= "{$prefix}filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#" . $g['light'] . "', endColorstr='#" . $g['dark'] . "');{$suffix}"; /* Safari 4+, Chrome 1-9 */ if ( $vintageBrowsers ) { $css .= "{$prefix}background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(#" . $g['light'] . '), to(#' . $g['dark'] . "));{$suffix}"; } /* Safari 5.1+, Mobile Safari, Chrome 10+ */ $css .= "{$prefix}background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #" . $g['light'] . ', #' . $g['dark'] . ");{$suffix}"; /* Firefox 3.6+ */ if ( $vintageBrowsers ) { $css .= "{$prefix}background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #" . $g['light'] . ', #' . $g['dark'] . ");{$suffix}"; } /* Opera 11.10+ */ if ( $vintageBrowsers ) { $css .= "{$prefix}background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #" . $g['light'] . ', #' . $g['dark'] . ");{$suffix}"; } /* Unprefixed version (standards): FF 16+, IE10+, Chrome 26+, Safari 7+, Opera 12.1+ */ $css .= "{$prefix}background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #" . $g['light'] . ', #' . $g['dark'] . ");{$suffix}"; // Return our CSS return $css; } // =========================== // = Private Functions Below = // =========================== /** * Darkens a given HSL array * @param array $hsl * @param int $amount * @return array $hsl */ private function _darken( $hsl, $amount = self::DEFAULT_ADJUST ) { // Check if we were provided a number if ( $amount ) { $hsl['L'] = ( $hsl['L'] * 100 ) - $amount; $hsl['L'] = ( $hsl['L'] < 0 ) ? 0 : $hsl['L'] / 100; } else { // We need to find out how much to darken $hsl['L'] = $hsl['L'] / 2; } return $hsl; } /** * Lightens a given HSL array * @param array $hsl * @param int $amount * @return array $hsl */ private function _lighten( $hsl, $amount = self::DEFAULT_ADJUST ) { // Check if we were provided a number if ( $amount ) { $hsl['L'] = ( $hsl['L'] * 100 ) + $amount; $hsl['L'] = ( $hsl['L'] > 100 ) ? 1 : $hsl['L'] / 100; } else { // We need to find out how much to lighten $hsl['L'] += ( 1 - $hsl['L'] ) / 2; } return $hsl; } /** * Mix 2 rgb colors and return an rgb color * @param array $rgb1 * @param array $rgb2 * @param int $amount ranged -100..0..+100 * @return array $rgb * * ported from http://phpxref.pagelines.com/nav.html?includes/class.colors.php.source.html */ private function _mix( $rgb1, $rgb2, $amount = 0 ) { $r1 = ( $amount + 100 ) / 100; $r2 = 2 - $r1; $rmix = ( ( $rgb1['R'] * $r1 ) + ( $rgb2['R'] * $r2 ) ) / 2; $gmix = ( ( $rgb1['G'] * $r1 ) + ( $rgb2['G'] * $r2 ) ) / 2; $bmix = ( ( $rgb1['B'] * $r1 ) + ( $rgb2['B'] * $r2 ) ) / 2; return array( 'R' => $rmix, 'G' => $gmix, 'B' => $bmix, ); } /** * Given a Hue, returns corresponding RGB value * @param int $v1 * @param int $v2 * @param int $vH * @return int */ private static function _huetorgb( $v1, $v2, $vH ) { if ( $vH < 0 ) { $vH += 1; } if ( $vH > 1 ) { $vH -= 1; } if ( ( 6 * $vH ) < 1 ) { return ( $v1 + ( $v2 - $v1 ) * 6 * $vH ); } if ( ( 2 * $vH ) < 1 ) { return $v2; } if ( ( 3 * $vH ) < 2 ) { return ( $v1 + ( $v2 - $v1 ) * ( ( 2 / 3 ) - $vH ) * 6 ); } return $v1; } /** * You need to check if you were given a good hex string * @param string $hex * @return string Color * @throws Exception "Bad color format" */ private static function _checkHex( $hex ) { // Strip # sign is present $color = str_replace( '#', '', $hex ); // Make sure it's 6 digits if ( strlen( $color ) == 3 ) { $color = $color[0] . $color[0] . $color[1] . $color[1] . $color[2] . $color[2]; } elseif ( strlen( $color ) != 6 ) { throw new Exception( esc_html__( 'HEX color needs to be 6 or 3 digits long', 'pen' ) ); } return $color; } /** * Converts object into its string representation * @return string Color */ public function __toString() { return '#' . $this->getHex(); } }