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I’m falling in love with someone who doesn’t want a relationship but likes me and wants to keep sleeping with me, what should I do?

This reminds me of one popular analogy.

A person used to feed a puppy with unadulterated cow milk every single day. With lot of love.

The puppy grew up to be a loyal dog. It gaurded him and his house till his death.

Another person saw this and and fed a baby snake with unadulterated cow milk every single day. With lot of love and an ounce of affection.

The snake grew up and bit him one day.

He wondered why the snake never had loyalty, while the people around him wondered why he never had commonsense to not expect loyalty from snakes.

The top line of the bottomline is

Your love may not be that powerful to change the nature of people.

Accept this first.

He has clearly mentioned his boundaries and established his nature. Respect that and try to align your expectations from your relationship with him accordingly.

Even if you want to try changing his opinion, consider it is a risk with win or lose situation. Prepare your heart that it is going to hurt and yet you want to try it.

Or if it is hurting you to have feelings for him and yet conform to his expectations, better give it up and cut all ties with him.

Always check whether you mind and body are feeling safe and comfortable when you are in any relationship and give this the utmost priority.

我爱上了一个不想要关系但喜欢我并想继续和我睡觉的人,我该怎么办? 这让我想起了一个流行的类比。











