2018-09-17-cordova-fetch-1.3.1.md 964 B

layout: post author:

name: Chris Brody
url: https://twitter.com/brodybits

title: "Cordova-fetch Release" categories: news

tags: release tools

We are happy to announce that cordova-fetch 1.3.1 was released in September 2018.

Release Highlights

The purpose of this release is to resolve the project URL in package.json and include a few minor bug fixes. Here are the important changes:

  • GH-20 Fix repo url in package.json
  • CB-13503 fix trimID bug when using file:path/to/plugin (GH-13)

Deprecation Note

As NodeJS 4.x support ended on April 30th, 2018, we are proceeding with our previously announced deprecation timeline. This is probably the last release that will support NodeJS 4.x.