2016-03-04-cordova-browser-4.1.0.md 1.3 KB

layout: post author:

name: Vladimir Kotikov
url: https://github.com/vladimir-kotikov

title: "Cordova Browser 4.1.0" categories: announcements

tags: news releases

We are happy to announce that Cordova Browser 4.1.0 has been released. It will be the default Browser version after the next cordova-cli release.

To upgrade:

npm install -g cordova
cd my_project
cordova platform update browser@4.1.0

To add it explicitly:

cordova platform add browser@4.1.0

What's new in Browser platform

  • CB-10755 Updated checked in node_modules
  • CB-10650 Non-index content.src causes Splashscreen to be not displayed on browser
  • CB-9836 Add .gitattributes to prevent CRLF line endings in repos
  • CB-9669 Browser exec should have more failsafes
  • Update to use new 'express' implementation of cordova-serve.
  • CB-9658 Improve 'cordova run browser' when browser not installed.
  • CB-9654 'cordova run browser' -> duplicate 'CTRL + C' messages.