2015-02-10-plugins-release.md 8.8 KB

layout: post author:

name: Andrew Grieve
url: https://twitter.com/GrieveAndrew

title: "Plugins Release: February 10, 2015" categories: news

tags: release plugins

The following plugins were updated today:

  • cordova-plugin-battery-status@0.2.12
  • cordova-plugin-camera@0.3.5
  • cordova-plugin-console@0.2.13
  • cordova-plugin-contacts@0.2.16
  • cordova-plugin-device-motion@0.2.11
  • cordova-plugin-device-orientation@0.3.11
  • cordova-plugin-device@0.3.0
  • cordova-plugin-dialogs@0.3.0
  • cordova-plugin-file-transfer@0.5.0
  • cordova-plugin-file@1.3.3
  • cordova-plugin-geolocation@0.3.12
  • cordova-plugin-globalization@0.3.4
  • cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@0.6.0
  • cordova-plugin-media@0.2.16
  • cordova-plugin-media-capture@0.3.6
  • cordova-plugin-network-information@0.2.15
  • cordova-plugin-splashscreen@1.0.0
  • cordova-plugin-vibration@0.3.13
  • cordova-plugin-statusbar@0.1.10
  • cordova-plugins@file-system-roots-0.1.0
  • cordova-plugin-test-framework@0.0.1

The plugins have been updated on our registry at plugins.cordova.io.

You can update any plugin by removing it, and then re-adding it.

E.g. To update your camera plugin:

cordova plugin rm org.apache.cordova.camera
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.camera

Changes include:


  • CB-8351 ios: Stop using now-deprecated [NSData base65EncodedString]
  • CB-8351 ios: Stop using now-deprecated integerValueForKey: class extension
  • CB-8351 ios: Use argumentForIndex rather than NSArray extension
  • CB-8032 ios: Add nativeURL external method support for CDVFileSystem->makeEntryForPath:isDirectory:
  • CB-7938 ios: Added XCTest unit tests project, with stubs (adapted from SplashScreen unit test setup)
  • CB-7937 ios: Re-factor iOS Camera plugin so that it is testable


  • CB-8351 ios: Use argumentForIndex rather than NSArray extension


  • CB-8351 ios: Stop using (newly) deprecated CordovaLib functions
  • CB-8351 ios: Use argumentForIndex rather than NSArray extension
  • android: Update ContactName support
  • Updated the comments for ContactOrganization constructor.


  • Added device.manufacturer property for Android, iOS, Blackberry, WP8
  • Support for Windows Phone 8 ANID2 ANID is only supported up to Windows Phone 7.5
  • CB-8351 Use a local copy of uniqueAppInstanceIdentifier rather than CordovaLib's version
  • browser: Fixed a bug that caused an "cannot call method of undefined" error if the browser's user agent wasn't recognized


  • CB-8351 ios: Use argumentForIndex rather than NSArray extension


  • Correct way to specify Windows platform in config.xml
  • CB-8351 ios: Use argumentForIndex rather than NSArray extension
  • CB-7955 Add support "browser" platform


  • CB-7927 Encoding data to bytes instead of chars when writing a file.
  • ios: Fix compile warning about implicit int conversion
  • CB-8351 ios: Use base64EncodedStringWithOptions instead of CordovaLib's class extension
  • CB-8351 ios: Use argumentForIndex rather than NSArray extension
  • CB-8351 ios: Use a local copy of valueForKeyIsNumber rather than CordovaLib's version
  • windows: Handle url's containing absolute windows path starting with drive letter and colon (encoded as %3A) through root FS
  • windows: Rework to use normal url form
  • android: refactor: Make Filesystem base class store its own name, rootUri, and rootEntry
  • android: Simplify code a bit by making makeEntryForPath not throw JSONException
  • CB-6431 android: Fix plugin breaking content: URLs
  • CB-7375 Never create new FileSystem instances (except on windows since they don't implement requestAllFileSystems())


  • CB-8407 windows: Fix download of ms-appdata:/// URIs
  • CB-8095 windows: Rewrite upload method to support progress events properly
  • CB-5059 android: Add a CookieManager abstraction for pluggable webviews
  • ios: Fix compile warning about implicity int conversion
  • CB-8351 ios: Use argumentForIndex rather than NSArray extension
  • CB-8351 ios: Use a local copy of DLog macro rather than CordovaLib version
  • CB-8296 ios: Fix crash when upload fails and file is not yet created (close #57)
  • Document "body" property on FileTransferError
  • CB-7912 ios, android: Update to work with whitelist plugins in Cordova 4.x
  • Error callback should always be called with the FileTransferError object, and not just the code
  • windows: alias appData to Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current
  • CB-8093 Fixes incorrect FileTransferError returned in case of download failure


  • CB-8351 ios: Use argumentForIndex rather than NSArray extension


  • CB-8351 ios: Use argumentForIndex rather than NSArray extension
  • CB-7972 Add cordova-plugin-globalization support for Windows platform


  • CB-8270 ios: Remove usage of [arr JSONString], since it's been renamed to cdv_JSONString
  • ubuntu: implement inject* functions
  • ubuntu: port to oxide
  • CB-7897 ios, android: Update to work with whilelist plugins in Cordova 4.x


  • CB-8351 ios: Stop using (newly) deprecated CDVJSON.h
  • CB-8351 ios: Use argumentForIndex rather than NSArray extension
  • CB-8252 android: Fire audio events from native via message channel
  • CB-8152 ios: Remove deprecated methods in Media plugin (deprecated since 2.5)


  • CB-8351 ios: Use inline copies of deprecated CDV_IsIpad and CDV_IsIphone5
  • CB-8351 ios: Stop using (newly) deprecated CDVJSON.h
  • CB-8351 ios: Use argumentForIndex rather than NSArray extension
  • CB-7977 Mention deviceready in plugin docs


  • CB-8384 Network status change support on Windows
  • CB-8384 Fixes the way we detect online status on Windows
  • CB-8384 Add Windows platform quirks
  • CB-8384 Add Windows section to Network Information plugin


  • CB-8351 ios: Stop using deprecated IsIpad macro
  • CB-3679 Add engine tag for Android >= 3.6.0 due to use of preferences
  • CB-3679 Make SplashScreen plugin compatible with cordova-android@4.0.x


  • CB-8351 ios: Use argumentForIndex rather than NSArray extension


  • Initial release


  • CB-8243 cordova-plugin-vibration documentation translation: cordova-plugin-vibration