## Deploying ### Automatic Deployment See [building-and-deploying-the-website.md](building-and-deploying-the-website.md) for a description of the automated build and deploy process via Travis. ### Manual Deployment > This section requires basic knowledge of SVN. If you do not know how to use SVN, refer to [this tutorial][svn]. To build the full website, run: node_modules/.bin/gulp build --prod A folder called `build-prod` will be created, and will contain the built website. Then, in a directory *one level above* the `cordova-docs` repository, check out the SVN repository that contains the currently deployed website by running the following command (committer access required): cd .. svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova/site cordova-website Then, move into the `cordova-website` repository and synchronise it with the SVN server: cd cordova-website svn update Copy the `cordova-docs/build-prod/` directory to the `public` directory in SVN like so: cd .. cp -R cordova-docs/build-prod/. cordova-website/public/ Some files will be new (`?` in SVN, and need to be `svn add`ed) and some files will be changed (`M` in SVN; no action required). To see just the `?` changes, run: cd cordova-website svn status | grep "?" Once you are satisfied that you have added the required changes, commit with a message: svn commit -m "Updated docs" **NOTE**: The commit might take a while (up to 1 hour), depending on the number of files changed. [svn]: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.intro.quickstart.html