# AddBootOptionNoHyperV.ps1 # Create a boot option with Hyper-V turned off # Variables $description = "Windows 10 Pro -" # Before doing anything, check if the boot option already exists $already_added = bcdedit /enum | Select-String "VirtualBox" If("$already_added" -ne "") { Write-Host "VirtualBox boot entry already added -- bailing out" Exit } # First, rename the current boot option to "[...] - Hyper V" bcdedit /set "{current}" description "$description Hyper-V" # Create a copy of the current boot option bcdedit /copy "{current}" /d "$description VirtualBox" # Get the name of the new boot option (assumed to be the last one # listed by `bcdedit /enum`) $vboxboot_guid = bcdedit /enum ` | Select-String "description" -Context 3,0 ` | % { $_.Context.PreContext[0] -replace '^identifier +'} ` | Select -Last 1 # Turn off the hypervisor for the new boot entry bcdedit /set "$vboxboot_guid" hypervisorlaunchtype off # Make VirtualBox the default boot entry bcdedit /default "$vboxboot_guid"