neil edited this page 5 years ago

Welcome to the acme.sh wiki!


Here is the wiki page for acme.sh

1. How to install


2. How to use in Proxmox ?

After installation,

1) Check if port 80 is opened on Proxmox host.

2) Issue a cert:

/root/.acme.sh/acme.sh  --issue  --standalone  -d <DOMAIN>

After issuing, the cert will be automatically renewed every 60 days.

3) Install the cert to Proxmox:

/root/.acme.sh/acme.sh  --installcert  -d <DOMAIN>  \
    --certpath /etc/pve/local/pveproxy-ssl.pem \
    --keypath /etc/pve/local/pveproxy-ssl.key  \
     --capath  /etc/pve/local/pveproxy-ssl.pem  \
      --reloadcmd  "systemctl restart pveproxy"

Ok, it's done. Open the link: https://<DOMAIN>:8006

3. How to get pkcs12(pfx) format:

After you issue the cert, you can use the toPkcs command to convert the cert to pkcs12(pfx) format

acme.sh  --toPkcs  -d <domain>  [--password pfx-password]

4. How to run on Windows with Cygwin or git bash.

1) Download cygwin installer: setup-x86.exe or setup-x86_64.exe from: https://cygwin.com/

2) In the installer, select: Net: curl and Net: socat to install.

3) After install finished, you can open the Cygwin window and use curl to install acme.shonline: https://github.com/Neilpang/le/wiki#1-how-to-install

4) A scheduler task will be installed in your Windows scheduler to renew your certs.