.goreleaser.yml 1.0 KB

  1. before:
  2. hooks:
  3. - go mod download
  4. builds:
  5. - env:
  6. - CGO_ENABLED=0
  7. ldflags:
  8. - -s -w -X github.com/claudiodangelis/qrcp/version.version={{.Version}} -X github.com/claudiodangelis/qrcp/version.date={{.Date}}
  9. goos:
  10. - linux
  11. - darwin
  12. - windows
  13. goarch:
  14. - 386
  15. - amd64
  16. - arm
  17. - arm64
  18. goarm:
  19. - 7
  20. ignore:
  21. - goos: darwin
  22. goarch: 386
  23. archives:
  24. - replacements:
  25. darwin: macOS
  26. windows: Windows
  27. 386: i386
  28. amd64: x86_64
  29. checksum:
  30. name_template: 'checksums.txt'
  31. snapshot:
  32. name_template: "{{ .Tag }}-next"
  33. changelog:
  34. sort: asc
  35. filters:
  36. exclude:
  37. - '^docs:'
  38. - '^test:'
  39. nfpms:
  40. - replacements:
  41. darwin: macOS
  42. windows: Windows
  43. 386: i386
  44. amd64: x86_64
  45. homepage: https://claudiodangelis.com/qrcp
  46. maintainer: Claudio d'Angelis <claudiodangelis@gmail.com>
  47. description: Transfer files over wifi from your computer to your mobile device by scanning a QR code without leaving the terminal.
  48. license: MIT
  49. formats:
  50. - deb
  51. - rpm