import { createRequire } from 'module' import { defineConfig } from 'vitepress' const require = createRequire(import.meta.url) const pkg = require('vitepress/package.json') export default defineConfig({ lang: 'en-US', description: 'A kernel-based root solution for Android GKI devices.', themeConfig: { nav: nav(), lastUpdatedText: 'last Updated', sidebar: { '/guide/': sidebarGuide() }, socialLinks: [ { icon: 'github', link: '' } ], footer: { message: 'Released under the GPL3 License.', copyright: 'Copyright © 2022-present KernelSU Developers' }, editLink: { pattern: '', text: 'Edit this page on GitHub' } } }) function nav() { return [ { text: 'Guide', link: '/guide/what-is-kernelsu' }, ] } function sidebarGuide() { return [ { text: 'Guide', items: [ { text: 'What is KernelSU?', link: '/guide/what-is-kernelsu' }, { text: 'Difference with Magisk', link: '/guide/difference-with-magisk' }, { text: 'Installation', link: '/guide/installation' }, { text: 'How to build?', link: '/guide/how-to-build' }, { text: 'Intergrate for non-GKI devices', link: '/guide/how-to-integrate-for-non-gki'}, { text: 'Unofficially supported devices', link: '/guide/' }, { text: 'Module Guide', link: '/guide/' }, { text: 'Module WebUI', link: '/guide/' }, { text: 'App Profile', link: '/guide/' }, { text: 'Rescue from bootloop', link: '/guide/' }, { text: 'FAQ', link: '/guide/faq' }, { text: 'Hidden features', link: '/guide/hidden-features' }, ] } ] }