* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Christopher Han * @package GitPHP * @subpackage Controller */ class GitPHP_Controller_Heads extends GitPHP_ControllerBase { /** * Initialize controller */ public function Initialize() { parent::Initialize(); if (empty($this->params['page'])) $this->params['page'] = 0; } /** * Gets the template for this controller * * @return string template filename */ protected function GetTemplate() { return 'heads.tpl'; } /** * Gets the cache key for this controller * * @return string cache key */ protected function GetCacheKey() { return $this->params['page']; } /** * Gets the name of this controller's action * * @param boolean $local true if caller wants the localized action name * @return string action name */ public function GetName($local = false) { if ($local && $this->resource) { return $this->resource->translate('heads'); } return 'heads'; } /** * Loads data for this template */ protected function LoadData() { $head = $this->GetProject()->GetHeadCommit(); $this->tpl->assign("head",$head); $this->tpl->assign('page', $this->params['page']); $skip = $this->params['page'] * 100; $headlist = $this->GetProject()->GetHeadList()->GetOrderedHeads('-committerdate', 101, $skip); if (isset($headlist) && (count($headlist) > 0)) { if (count($headlist) > 100) { $headlist = array_slice($headlist, 0, 100); $this->tpl->assign('hasmoreheads', true); } $this->tpl->assign("headlist", $headlist); } } }