--- title: 第一章:google,github auth2.0 权鉴登录 author: liuyuqi date: 2024-03-27 category: nlp layout: post --- # docker 部署 新建dockerfile Dockerfile ``` FROM python:3.9.4 # Create the user that will run the app RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos '' ml-api-user WORKDIR /opt/car_evaluation_api ARG PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL # Install requirements, including from Gemfury ADD ./car_evaluation_api /opt/car_evaluation_api RUN pip install --upgrade pip RUN pip install -r /opt/car_evaluation_api/requirements.txt RUN chmod +x /opt/car_evaluation_api/run.sh RUN chown -R ml-api-user:ml-api-user ./ USER ml-api-user EXPOSE 8001 CMD ["bash", "./run.sh"] ``` vim docker-compose.yml ``` version: '3' services: car_evaluation_streamlit: build: dockerfile: car_evaluation_streamlit\Dockerfile ports: - 8501:8501 depends_on: - car_evaluation_api car_evaluation_api: build: dockerfile: car_evaluation_api\Dockerfile ports: - 8001:8001 ``` 运行: ``` docker-compose -f docker-compse.yml up -d --build ``` heroku login heroku create git push heroku master heroku ps:scale web=1 heroku logs --tail heroku domains:add hivecnstats.iswbm.com