0)) {
if (empty ($fDomain)) {
$fDomain = escape_string($list_domains[0]);
if(!in_array($fDomain, $list_domains)) {
flash_error( $PALANG['invalid_parameter'] );
header("Location: list.php?table=domain"); # invalid domain, or not owned by this admin
if (!check_owner(authentication_get_username(), $fDomain)) {
flash_error( $PALANG['invalid_parameter'] . " If you see this message, please open a bugreport"); # this check is most probably obsoleted by the in_array() check above
header("Location: list.php?table=domain"); # domain not owned by this admin
// store domain and page browser offset in $_SESSION so after adding/editing aliases/mailboxes we can
// take the user back to the appropriate domain listing.
$_SESSION['list-virtual:domain'] = $fDomain;
$_SESSION['prefill:alias:domain'] = $fDomain;
$_SESSION['prefill:mailbox:domain'] = $fDomain;
$_SESSION['prefill:aliasdomain:target_domain'] = $fDomain;
$_SESSION['list-virtual:limit'] = $fDisplay;
# alias domain
if (Config::bool('alias_domain')) {
$handler = new AliasdomainHandler(0, $admin_username);
$formconf = $handler->webformConfig(); # might change struct
$aliasdomain_data = array(
'struct' => $handler->getStruct(),
'msg' => $handler->getMsg(),
'formconf' => $formconf,
$aliasdomain_data['msg']['show_simple_search'] = False; # hide search box
$aliasdomain_data['msg']['can_create'] = 1;
# hide create button if all domains (of this admin) are already used as alias domains
if ( count($handler->result()) + 1 >= count($list_domains) ) $aliasdomain_data['msg']['can_create'] = 0; # all domains (of this admin) are already alias domains
# get the really requested list
if (count($search) == 0) {
$list_param = "alias_domain='$fDomain' OR target_domain='$fDomain'";
} else {
$list_param = $search;
$tAliasDomains = $handler->result();
foreach ($tAliasDomains as $row) {
if ($row['alias_domain'] == $fDomain) {
$aliasdomain_data['struct']['target_domain']['linkto'] = 'target';
if (count($search) == 0) {
$aliasdomain_data['struct']['alias_domain']['linkto'] = '';
$aliasdomain_data['msg']['can_create'] = 0; # domain is already an alias domain
if (count($search) > 0) {
$aliasdomain_data['struct']['target_domain']['linkto'] = 'target';
# aliases
$table_alias = table_by_key('alias');
$table_mailbox = table_by_key('mailbox');
if (count($search) == 0 || !isset($search['_'])) {
$list_param = "domain='$fDomain'";
} else {
$searchterm = escape_string($search['_']);
$list_param = "(address LIKE '%$searchterm%' OR goto LIKE '%$searchterm%')";
$handler = new AliasHandler(0, $admin_username);
$formconf = $handler->webformConfig(); # might change struct
$alias_data = array(
'formconf' => $formconf,
'struct' => $handler->getStruct(),
'msg' => $handler->getMsg(),
$alias_data['struct']['goto_mailbox']['display_in_list'] = 0; # not useful/defined for non-mailbox aliases
$alias_data['struct']['on_vacation']['display_in_list'] = 0;
$alias_data['msg']['show_simple_search'] = False; # hide search box
$handler->getList($list_param, array(), $page_size, $fDisplay);
$pagebrowser_alias = $handler->getPagebrowser($list_param, array());
$tAlias = $handler->result();
# mailboxes
$display_mailbox_aliases = Config::bool('alias_control_admin');
# build the sql query
$sql_select = "SELECT $table_mailbox.* ";
$sql_from = " FROM $table_mailbox ";
$sql_join = "";
$sql_where = " WHERE ";
$sql_order = " ORDER BY $table_mailbox.username ";
$sql_limit = " LIMIT $page_size OFFSET $fDisplay";
if (count($search) == 0 || !isset($search['_'])) {
$sql_where .= " $table_mailbox.domain='$fDomain' ";
} else {
$searchterm = escape_string($search['_']);
$sql_where .= db_in_clause("$table_mailbox.domain", $list_domains) . " ";
$sql_where .= " AND ( $table_mailbox.username LIKE '%$searchterm%' OR $table_mailbox.name LIKE '%$searchterm%' ";
if ($display_mailbox_aliases) {
$sql_where .= " OR $table_alias.goto LIKE '%$searchterm%' ";
$sql_where .= " ) "; # $search is already escaped
if ($display_mailbox_aliases) {
$sql_select .= ", $table_alias.goto ";
$sql_join .= " LEFT JOIN $table_alias ON $table_mailbox.username=$table_alias.address ";
if (Config::bool('vacation_control_admin')) {
$table_vacation = table_by_key('vacation');
$sql_select .= ", $table_vacation.active AS v_active ";
$sql_join .= " LEFT JOIN $table_vacation ON $table_mailbox.username=$table_vacation.email ";
if (Config::bool('used_quotas') && Config::bool('new_quota_table')) {
$table_quota2 = table_by_key('quota2');
$sql_select .= ", $table_quota2.bytes as current ";
$sql_join .= " LEFT JOIN $table_quota2 ON $table_mailbox.username=$table_quota2.username ";
if (Config::bool('used_quotas') && ( ! Config::bool('new_quota_table') ) ) {
$table_quota = table_by_key('quota');
$sql_select .= ", $table_quota.current ";
$sql_join .= " LEFT JOIN $table_quota ON $table_mailbox.username=$table_quota.username ";
$sql_where .= " AND ( $table_quota.path='quota/storage' OR $table_quota.path IS NULL ) ";
$mailbox_pagebrowser_query = "$sql_from\n$sql_join\n$sql_where\n$sql_order" ;
$query = "$sql_select\n$mailbox_pagebrowser_query\n$sql_limit";
$result = db_query ($query);
if ($result['rows'] > 0) {
$delimiter = preg_quote($CONF['recipient_delimiter'], "/");
$goto_single_rec_del = "";
$tMailbox = array();
while ($row = db_array ($result['result'])) {
if ($display_mailbox_aliases) {
$goto_split = explode(",", $row['goto']);
$row['goto_mailbox'] = 0;
$row['goto_other'] = array();
foreach ($goto_split as $goto_single) {
if (!empty($CONF['recipient_delimiter'])) {
$goto_single_rec_del = preg_replace('/' .$delimiter. '[^' .$delimiter. '@]*@/', "@", $goto_single);
if ($goto_single == $row['username'] || $goto_single_rec_del == $row['username']) { # delivers to mailbox
$row['goto_mailbox'] = 1;
} elseif (Config::bool('vacation') && strstr($goto_single, '@' . $CONF['vacation_domain']) ) { # vacation alias - TODO: check for full vacation alias
# skip the vacation alias, vacation status is detected otherwise
} else { # forwarding to other alias
$row['goto_other'][] = $goto_single;
if (db_pgsql()) {
// XXX
$row['modified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($row['modified']));
$row['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($row['created']));
$row['active']=('t'==$row['active']) ? 1 : 0;
if($row['v_active'] == NULL) {
$row['v_active'] = 'f';
$row['v_active']=('t'==$row['v_active']) ? 1 : 0;
$tMailbox[] = $row;
$alias_data['msg']['can_create'] = false;
$tCanAddMailbox = false;
$tDisplay_back = "";
$tDisplay_back_show = "";
$tDisplay_up_show = "";
$tDisplay_next = "";
$tDisplay_next_show = "";
$limit = get_domain_properties($fDomain);
if (isset ($limit)) {
if ($fDisplay >= $page_size) {
$tDisplay_back_show = 1;
$tDisplay_back = $fDisplay - $page_size;
if (($limit['alias_count'] > $page_size) or ($limit['mailbox_count'] > $page_size)) {
$tDisplay_up_show = 1;
if (
(($fDisplay + $page_size) < $limit['alias_count']) or
(($fDisplay + $page_size) < $limit['mailbox_count'])
) {
$tDisplay_next_show = 1;
$tDisplay_next = $fDisplay + $page_size;
if($limit['aliases'] == 0) {
$alias_data['msg']['can_create'] = true;
elseif($limit['alias_count'] < $limit['aliases']) {
$alias_data['msg']['can_create'] = true;
if($limit['mailboxes'] == 0) {
$tCanAddMailbox = true;
elseif($limit['mailbox_count'] < $limit['mailboxes']) {
$tCanAddMailbox = true;
$limit ['aliases'] = eval_size ($limit ['aliases']);
$limit ['mailboxes'] = eval_size ($limit ['mailboxes']);
if (Config::bool('quota')) {
$limit ['maxquota'] = eval_size ($limit ['maxquota']);
$gen_show_status_mailbox = array ();
$divide_quota = array ('current' => array(), 'quota' => array());
if ((is_array ($tMailbox) and sizeof ($tMailbox) > 0)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($tMailbox); $i++) {
$gen_show_status_mailbox [$i] = gen_show_status($tMailbox[$i]['username']);
if(isset($tMailbox[$i]['current'])) {
$divide_quota ['current'][$i] = divide_quota ($tMailbox[$i]['current']);
if(isset($tMailbox[$i]['quota'])) {
$divide_quota ['quota'][$i] = divide_quota ($tMailbox[$i]['quota']);
if(isset($tMailbox[$i]['quota']) && isset($tMailbox[$i]['current']))
$divide_quota ['percent'][$i] = min(100, round(($divide_quota ['current'][$i]/max(1,$divide_quota ['quota'][$i]))*100));
$divide_quota ['quota_width'][$i] = ($divide_quota ['percent'][$i] / 100 * 120);
} else {
$divide_quota ['current'][$i] = Config::Lang('unknown');
$divide_quota ['quota_width'][$i] = 0; # TODO: use special value?
class cNav_bar
var $count, $title, $limit, $page_size, $pages, $search; //* arguments
var $url; //* manually
var $fInit, $arr_prev, $arr_next, $arr_top; //* internal
var $anchor;
function cNav_bar ($aTitle, $aLimit, $aPage_size, $aPages, $aSearch) {
$this->count = count($aPages);
$this->title = $aTitle;
$this->limit = $aLimit;
$this->page_size = $aPage_size;
$this->pages = $aPages;
if (is_array($aSearch) && isset($aSearch['_']) && $aSearch['_'] != "") {
$this->search = "&search[_]=" . htmlentities($aSearch['_']);
} else {
$this->search = "";
$this->url = '';
$this->fInit = false;
function init () {
$this->anchor = 'a'.substr ($this->title, 3);
$this->url .= '#'.$this->anchor;
($this->limit >= $this->page_size) ? $this->arr_prev = ' ' : $this->arr_prev = '';
($this->limit > 0) ? $this->arr_top = '
' : $this->arr_top = '';
(($this->limit + $this->page_size) < ($this->count * $this->page_size)) ? $this->arr_next = '
' : $this->arr_next = '';
$this->fInit = true;
function display_pre () {
$ret_val = '